4:30 in the morning should be too early for anyone to be awake except morning show hosts. What kind of doctor thinks being at the hospital by 6AM is a good idea? Ugh!
So, Ky had her botox injections this morning which means she had a day of pain and exhaustion. We didn't even do our usual Friday night celebration with the Youngs.
Hopefully, she'll sleep in today and feel better. She slept through the night so that's a good sign.
The girls are doing well in general. Ky has taken another leap with her communication device. She was using 60 icons on the first page. Now she's using 84 icons on the first page. This means that she needs to make less hits to get to the same word and that she has more words to choose from. She is very excited about this. I even added Selena Gomez to her device which makes her very happy so now she can ask for her CD.
Alison is making all As and Bs in her advanced classes. She is still liking middle school, but is glad that this is a long weekend. The teachers are being furloughed again. One more reason why I'm glad I got out of teaching.
Next week is my shadowing week so I'll accompany another consultant who has been working in my area. We will wrap up some of her appointments here and I will get a chance to see her at work. Then they will set me loose to do my thing. I'm very excited and look forward to being on my own.
Christine K.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
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